Printer Friendly Version DEDICATED BANK ACCOUNT OF THE EMBASSY @ 19 May 2014 03:41 AM


According to our announcement about the transparency of data of the forwarded contributions in the aim of helping Serbia eliminate difficult consequences of the floods, the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia is informing of the first section of carried-out transactions with the balance dated on 23rd May 2014 at 9.56am - 35,648.40 AUD. The names of donors, where they were visible, are highlighted in accordance with respecting principles of full privacy. The following list will be published on 30th May 2014, and until then we will daily distribute the information about the account balance.

The Embassy of the Republic Serbia in Canberra and the Consulate-General of the Republic of Serbia in Sydney call upon all donors (after the completed transaction) to contact the Embassy or the Consulate-General in person, by telephone or email, in order to provide us with the information about the addresses where we can send by post the appropriate confirmation regarding the donations – certificate.

The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Australia would like to confirm once again its willingness to help in collecting needed funds for Serbia.

The Importance of Helping Serbia
- by Matthew Trinetti - The Huffington Post , 22 May

"You may be aware that Serbia and the other Balkan countries are experiencing devastating flooding right now.

It's the worst flooding the area has experienced in over 120 years. There's massive destruction of streets, buildings and homes. The death toll is rising. Over 25,000 people have been evacuated from their homes, most of which have been destroyed. Those families are in desperate need of food, water, clothes, blankets, medication, or other necessities..." (more...)


Serbia floods aerial video - Helivideo

The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Australia, meeting a high demand of readiness from many citizens and organizations to offer help to the Republic of Serbia in the elimination of extremely difficult consequences of floods that struck Serbia, has confirmed on the 19 May a dedicated bank account at the Commonwealth Bank.

Accoun at the Commonwealth Bank:

Account type:         Society Cheque Account
BSB:                       062-902
Account number:    1031 3302
Account title:          EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC
                               OF SERBIA IN AUSTRALIA
                               – FLOOD VICTIM ACCOUNT
Open date:              19/05/2014

The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia will daily distribute the information about the account and guarantees total transparency.

The account funds will be continuously transferred to the central account that the Government of the Republic of Serbia has opened.The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia will be available at any moment – you can contact us by phone or e-mail – in the aim of giving additional information in regards of obtaining the necessary help to the eliminate the extremely difficult consequences of floods. Mobile phone for contact - 0435 752 933 - Zoran Marinkovic, First Secretary.


Please see below opinion of Australian Red Cross, regarding donation of goods for Serbia:

"We have been in contact with Serbian Red Cross which is responding on the ground. We have also spoken with Australian Red Cross which are closely following the work of the Red Cross Movement in response to the terrible floods and the affect it is having on the Serbian people. Regular updates are coming in through the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and an international appeal has now been launched.

We recognise and understand that at times like these people may have a strong desire to donate items. Neither we nor Red Cross are in a position to be able to support the transportation of any donated goods. While this generosity is appreciated, we do not have the capacity, nor are we set up to collect, store or distribute donated goods. Nor are we able to fund the transportation of collected/donated goods.

Red Cross experience with emergency recovery has also shown that affected communities recover sooner when they can make their own choices. This includes choosing and purchasing goods to help put their lives back together again rather than being given goods. Another benefit of allowing those affected to choose their own purchases is that money is being put back into the community to stimulate local businesses. This is an important part of the local economic recovery.

We encourage you to donate money to the Embassy Relief Flood".


Instructions to potential donors of medicines and medical devices (link)